Connected in a Digital World
In the course of my travels around the nation and the world, I frequently hear about this issue. We adore our mobile devices. They make life better, at least most of the time, and are a huge help in staying in touch and getting work done from anywhere.
However, how can we concentrate on people when it's vital while making sure we don't miss that crucial alert regarding a pressing client issue? Here are some suggestions to aid you if you're finding it difficult to make everything work in the world of unlimited technology today:
1. Turn off those infernal notifications
Seriously. Do you really need to be informed of every Facebook update that occurs? Is it worthwhile to divert your attention from what you're doing in order to learn about a news event you have no control over? If you categorize notifications into specified time frames and concentrate on people-attending and business-building activities, your mental process and sense of calm will both improve.
2. Remain with the person you are with at all times.
Turn off your phone and avoid answering it while you are eating that critical lunch. People who take the time, expense, and effort to attend a meeting at a specific time deserve your undivided attention. When your luncheon is over, you can check all the notifications. When you do this, it strongly suggests that you respect the other person. When you don't, it also conveys a lot about your level of respect.
3. Create phone-free times
Neuropsychology and brain scientists have taught us the value of having quiet, undisturbed periods to reflect and concentrate. It's common knowledge that meditation is an excellent way to develop our minds. When we schedule quiet time, we get better ideas. Have times when you turn off your smartphone to concentrate on coming up with ideas and free-thinking. These phone-free moments are a rare oasis of creativity that will fulfill your company's thirst for success.
4. Promise yourself a catch-up time
Make time in your schedule to talk to key folks on the phone. You can indeed view the notifications that matter to you. Your determination to respect your phone-free hours will be strengthened by realizing that you have time allotted for this.
5. Understand the balance needed
It is not necessary to completely abandon technology or become tech-obsessed. Knowing when to stop checking email and to interact with people online and instead look them in the eyes, listen to them, and be with them is important. Both revolve around interacting with others. It is important to respect others for who they are as well as for your own creative, healthy self.
You may find the ideal balance for you in each situation by using these ideas. Make it a point to treat those who are present with you with respect while completing your work. I'm interested in hearing from you about how it's going for you.